Viaje al santuario de Las Lajas

Viaje al santuario de Las Lajas

The trip to the Sanctuary of the Slabs is done in January 2018 in the company of my mother and a niece, We travel by land, by way of Mocoa Putumayo
The road that leads to Ipiales must pass through a place known as the mirador, it is a very high mountain and its road is very steep, its journey takes about three hours to reach the Paramo de los Frailejones.

On the way we enter the Laguna de la Cocha, a popular tourist site for Colombians and foreigners

In Ipiales Nariño it is very cold for this reason people use jackets caps and gloves

The most typical food is the roasted Cuy

Very close to Ipiales is the border with Ecuador, where we also visited. We went to Tulcán, a very touristy town in Ecuador.

an anecdote  in this place 

When we went to Tulcán, we wanted to have a coffee, then after having made some purchases we went to find a cafeteria, we found it curious that we did not find any, it is because the people of this area have as economic activity the production of goods and services different from ours and have other customs.

My ideal trip
